Saturday, August 2, 2008

FREE FX Seminar and Private Meetings

FREE FX Seminar and Private Meetings

Dear Traders and Money Managers
In our continuous efforts to expand our presence on the Asian FX market we decided to better explore new possibilities in such a flourishing and rising economy. In this perspective, Crown Forex senior specialists will be present in Jakarta in August 2008 to meet with potential clients and introducing brokers.
A two hour free seminar will be presented by our senior analyst and forex strategist Mohammed Isbeer on 25th August 2008 at a very prestigious hotel in Jakarta (the location will be communicated along with the confirmation of your registration).
FOREX Seminar
Topic of the seminar: Can Fundamentals guarantee profits?
The seminar will explain how we can apply fundamental analysis to FX trading, over short, medium and long term; how fundamental analysis can provide entry points and entry time. We will explain how fundamentals can lead your trades to more profit than any other tool in the FX market.
For more information about the schedule of the event please click here.
Private Meetings
One of the main goals of our visit to Jakarta is to answer all your questions and concerns with regards to Crown Forex SA and its unique services. A senior team will be present in order to give you a more comprehensive image of Crown Forex SA throughout the four days.
Make sure to book a private meeting directly with our team! A great opportunity to discuss Crown Forex SA offer and services with our senior specialists on a one-to-one talk.

Private meeting can be scheduled using the registration form at the link below. Meetings will take place from August 26th through August 29th. We are looking forward to seeing you there!

For more information send an email to or call +41 32 420 7070

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